Selected Bibliography

Selected Bibliography

“Shortage of Scientists.” Business Week.18April1953. 196.

American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). Vision and change in undergraduate biology education: A call to action. Washington, D.C., 2011. Web. 5 July 2016.

Ashley, Tracey. “The Development of the Science Program in Childhood Education in the Great Neck Public Schools.” Science Education. 39.1 (1955). 27-35.

Baker, Arthur O. “Serving Cleveland and the Nation Through Science Teaching.” Science Education. 29.2 (1945). 86-88.

Baker, Tunis. “Teaching the Scientific Method to Prospective Elementary School Teachers.” Science Education. 29.2 (1945). 79-82.

Brandt, Carol B. “Misrecognition and science education reform.” Cult Stud of Sci Educ. 7.3(2012). 579-583.

Caldwell, Loren T. “Determination of Earth Science Principles Desirable for Inclusion in the Science Program of General Education in the Secondary School.” Science Education. 39.3(1955). 196-213.

Champagne, A.B. and L.E. Klopfer. “Pioneers of Elementary School Science: I. Wilbur Samuel Jackman.” Science Education. 63.2 (1979). 145-165.

Champagne, A.B. and L.E. Klopfer. “Pioneers of Elementary School Science: II. Anna Botsford Comstock.” Science Education. 63.3 (1979). 299-322.

Drew, Christopher. “Why Science Majors Change Their Minds (It’s Just So Darn Hard).” New York Times. 4 Nov 2011. Web. Accessed 6 June 2016.

Feinstein, Noah W. and Kathryn L. Kirchgasler. “Sustainability in Science Education? How the Next Generation Science Standards Approach Sustainability, and Why it Matters.” Science Education. 99.1 (2015). 121-144.

Fensham, P. Science and technology. Handbook of research on curriculum. Macmillan, 1992.

Gowing, Margaret. “Science, Technology and Education: England in 1870.” Oxford Review of Education 4, no. 1 (1978): 3-17.

Gruber, Matthias J., Bernard D. Gelman, and Charan Ranganath. “States of Curiosity Modulate Hippocampus-Dependent Learning via the Dopaminergic Circuit.” Neuron. 84. 22Oct2014. 486-496.

Harms, Ernest. “Nature Study Should Differ for Different Age Groups.” Science Education. 39.1(1955). 51-54.

Hayes, K.N. and Cary J. Trexler. “Testing Predictors of Instructional Practice in Elementary Science Education: The Significant Role of Accountability.” Science Education. 100.2 (2016). 266-289.

Jaber, L.Z. and David Hammer. “Learning to Feel Like a Scientist.” Science Education. 100.2 (2016). 189-220.

James, Robert K. and Stan Smith. “Alienation of Students from Science in Grades 4-12.” Science Education. 69.1 (1985). 39-45.

Johnson, Carla C. “Educational Turbulence: The Influence of Macro and Micro-Policy on Science Education Reform.” J Sci Teacher Ed. 24.4 (2013). 693-715.

Johnson, Carla C. and Nikki Hanegan. “No Child Left Behind.” Science Scope. November 2006. Web. 5 July 2016.

Kang, Min Jeong, Ming Hsu, Ian M. Krajbich, George Loewenstein, Samuel M. McClure, Joseph Tao-yi Wang, and Colin F. Camerer. “The Wick in the Candle of Learning: Epistemic Curiosity Activates Reward Circuitry and Enhances Memory.” Psychological Science. 20(8). 2009. 963-973.

Kidd, Celeste and Benjamin Y. Hayden. “The Psychology and Neuroscience of Curiosity.” Neuron. 88. 4Nov2015. 449-460.

Kohlstedt, Sally G. “Nature, Not Books: Scientists and the Origins of the Nature-Study Movement in the 1890s.” Isis. 96 (2005). 324-352.

Landin, Jennifer. ”Rediscovering the Forgotten Benefits of Drawing.” Scientific American. 4 September 2014. Web. 5 July 2016.

Lee, Addison E. “Current Problems in Science Education.” Science Education. 49.2 (1965). 146-151.

Leonelli, Renato E. “The Selection and Grade Placement of Physical Science Principles in the Elementary School Curriculum.” Science Education. 39.1 (1955). 54-57.

Loewenstein, G. “The psychology of curiosity: A review and reinterpretation.” Psychological Bulletin. 116. 1994. 75-98.

Lorsbach, Anthony and Jerry Jinks. “What Early 20th Century Nature Study Can Teach Us.” The Journal of Natural History Education and Experience. 7 (2013). 7-15.

Louv, R.L. Last Child in the Woods: Saving our Children from Nature-Deficit Disorder. Algonquin Books, 2005.

McKibben, Margaret J. “An Analysis of Principles and Activities of Importance for General Biology Courses in High Schools.” Science Education. 39.3 (1955). 187-196.

Mody, Cyrus C.M. “Scientific Practice and Science Education.” Science Education. 99.6(2015). 1026-1032.

National Science Education Standards. Washington, D.C: National Academy Press, 1996. Web. 15 April 2016.

Norris, S., et al. “A Theoretical Framework for Narrative Explanation in Science.” Science Education. 89.4 (2005). 535-563.

Ogawa, M. “Science Education in a Multiscience Perspective.” Science Education. 79.9 (1995). 583-593.

Passow, A. Harry. Planning for Talented Youth. Columbia University, Teachers College. New York. 1955. 17

Stebbins, R.C. Connecting with Nature: A Naturalist’s Perspective. National Science Teachers Assoc Press, 2012.

Stinner, A. “Contextual Settings, Science Stories, and Large Context Problems: Toward a More Humanistic Science Education.” Science Education. 79.5 (1995). 555-581.

Trumbull, D. et al. “Developing Materials to Promote Inquiry: Lessons Learned.” Science Education. 89.6 (2005). 879-900.

Vlassis, Constantine G. “Future Scientists: Whose Responsibility?” Science Education. 49.1 (1965). 66-72.